Got Lost?
Wow! It's been a minute, eh? Let's see if I can remember enough to fill myself in. I lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks gestation. That sucked, obviously. Then, three weeks later, I had a positive pregnancy test.... 4 of them, actually. All of my symptoms began to reappear. I went to the doctor and found that it was residual hormones. A rollercoaster, for certain. In the midst of all of this, getting to work has been difficult due to the sickness, bleeding, and cramping I had been experiencing. I'm trying to get back more often now. Especially since S is still laid off.... ugh. P is of no financial help what-so-ever. In fact, he is a drain. I give him money for diapers, food, hotels, gas, etc. He is in a place I can't even see. It is very sad, really. He just got a new job and I hope he will climb back from where he is at now.
I have, somehow, been able to find some moments of joy in all of this. Here are some of them:

Baby and I at Hole in the Wall with Blither and Mr. B
Miss BlitherButt and I
I swear her face looked retarded, too. Stupid camera phone!
Alone time with the Baby ;)
Miss RyRy lookin' purdy
Well, I had more.... but, fuckin' Blogger.
Hopefully, I'll be back sooner next time! :)