Return of Looney Bin Drop Out
Just a fucked up girl, in an even more fucked up world, trying not to fuck up too much.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
New Pics for Blither
I have soooo much going on. But, oddly enough, don't feel like writing out any of it. Some too painful, some too crazy, and some just too retarded.
However, at Miss BlitherButt's request, I will post new photos. One's that portray a life not quite like my real life, but good enough for still life.
You got Ry (my middle daughter) in the last post. Here are the other kiddos in the clan:
Dakota, S's baby boy... Gotta love a toof-less smile!
Xander, my baby boy...Freshly shaved.... Mama's sorry Baby X!
Kiera and I... Someone has to look like me, damn it!
Lovey Dovey with my Baby
Blither always has this look like "Who the fuck are you? And, why the fuck are you touching me?" in pictures of us. But, she likes me... I promise! Try to remember our HNT's... she likes me!;)